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The NSW 20-Year Waste Strategy is a whole-of-government initiative to provide a long-term strategic direction for communities, industry and all levels of government to work together to build resilient services and markets for waste resources.
This webinar will provide an overview of Infrastructure Victoria’s recommendations for waste and recycling infrastructure that considers reprocessing, end-markets, waste to energy, organics recovery and more.
With NSW developing its 20 Year Waste Strategy, and Infrastructure Victoria releasing its waste and recycling report, there has never been a better time to discuss how state and national government’s waste strategies can affect our struggling economy.
In a post-COVID world, economic recovery is about investment in industries that add value and insulate Australia from international shocks. So how should the government implement new policies and strategies to boost the waste sector?
Just one strategy would be a national ban on organics to landfill. This would require 200 new composting facilities to be built, at 10 jobs per facility that is 2000 new jobs alone! Plus, a 5-fold increase in secondary job creation in collecting, transporting, marketing, and spreading the compost. This creates over 10,000 ongoing new jobs and would stimulate over $2b worth of direct capital investment.
But what practically would need to be done to implement such strategies, what barriers exist and how would the sector respond?
Following this time in state government, Gayle worked as a Director in a number of NSW councils, primarily looking after service delivery and assets. She developed and delivered a number of waste management contracts on behalf of councils, as well as managed environment and regulatory departments, including rangers and compliance officers.