Exhibiting at the Waste 2024 Conference is the perfect way to expose your brand to key decision makers within the waste and resource recovery industry. Showcasing your products and services at the industry's leading waste management event will help you stand out from the crowd and provide exposure to an extensive array of national and international delegates for the 3 day duration.
Promote your products, services and equipment
Generate new leads and maintain client relationships
Increase your industry exposure
Network with industry leaders
Participate in the Equipment and Technology Expo
Put your brand in front of key decision makers
The outdoor exhibition area is the perfect opportunity to display your larger products and demonstrate them in action.
Connie Button: 0431 749 747 connie@impactenviro.com.au
Dawn Hallinan: 02 6583 8118 or 0474 629 908 dawn@impactenviro.com.au